Frequently Asked Questions


The term "Vastu" has its roots in the word meaning "the place where people reside". Vastu shastra, which is commonly associated with architecture and engineering, is the science concerned with dwelling places. However, this definition of Vastu has led people to limit its true meaning. In its original conceptualization, Vastu refers to the land or site itself and how it is situated, rather than solely what people construct on it. Therefore, while it is not entirely inaccurate to associate Vastu with architecture and engineering, this narrow view obscures the broader significance of the science.
If one adheres to Vastu principles with care, they can bring not only prosperity but also love and peace to their household. In today's world, which is dominated by materialism, these commodities are quickly disappearing. Vastu principles aim to harmonize the external space with the internal space within individuals. Vastu recognizes and appreciates nature and integrates it into our environment. The presence of nature inspires us and directs our focus inward, prompting us to pay attention to our soul. Additionally, Vastu can be applied to modern lifestyles to promote not only financial well-being but also good health, peace, and prosperity.
To begin with, it's important to distinguish between the entrance and the main gate of the compound wall. The entrance refers specifically to the point of entry into the primary structure, which is enclosed by its own walls rather than the outer compound walls. For a South-facing house, the optimal location for the main entrance is the South-South-East direction, which happens to be the location of your entrance. However, this alone is not sufficient. To counteract the potentially negative effects of a South entrance, it's advisable to also have a corresponding entrance on a smaller scale located at North-North- East and/or East-North-East. It's worth noting that the South direction is not inherently unfavorable for houses, but their main gates and entrances should never be located in the South, South-West, or South- South-West directions.
The presence of a vastu environment can enhance an individual's spiritual, physical, and mental well- being. Merely focusing on material possessions does not guarantee peace of mind, good health, and happiness. Instead, utilizing ancient sciences such as Jyotish, Vastu, Vedanta, Yoga, and Ayurveda can offer magical tools for improving one's overall quality of life.
It is not advisable to have a prayer room in the bedroom. However, if for some reason it is located in the bedroom, then the married couple should avoid using that bedroom. In case they have to use it, curtains should be hung on all four sides of the prayer area.

The most suitable location for a separate prayer room in a house is the North-East corner. If there is not enough space for a separate prayer room, then the temple can be placed in the North-East corner of the kitchen. It is important to avoid locating the prayer room above, below, or next to a toilet, and it should not be placed under a staircase.

Listed below are some Vastu recommendations to enhance a child's intellect and focus:
• Ensure that the child's room is not located in the North-West area of the house.
• The ideal direction for the child's room is West, although North or East could also work.
• The entrance to the child's room should be situated in the North, East, or North-East area.
• While studying, the student should face towards the East.
• When sleeping, the student's head should be positioned towards the East.

Gomukhi plots are characterized by a narrow frontage that widens towards the rear. These plots are considered suitable for residential purposes only if the road is located on the southern or western side, but not on the eastern or northern sides. If the plot faces south or west, its North-East corner is extended, which is considered highly auspicious. On the other hand, if the plot faces north or east, its North-East corner is reduced, which is considered highly inauspicious.
Definitely, Vastu dosha is the reason behind the issues you are facing, which is caused by the vertical division of your ancestral house. This kind of division can disrupt the orientation of one part of the house while favoring another part's orientation. According to Vastu principles, it is recommended to divide the house horizontally by floors. Vastu is a science that deals with the proper orientation of directions, where a bad direction can bring negative effects, while a good direction can enhance one's prospects and fortune.
The human body has a magnetic field where the head acts as the North Pole and the legs as the South Pole. The laws of magnetism dictate that similar charges repel each other while opposite charges attract. Therefore, sleeping with one's head towards the North direction results in a repulsive force between the North Pole of the Earth and the North Pole of the human body (head). This can disrupt the central nervous system, leading to issues such as tension, sleeplessness, and high blood pressure. Vastu Shastra recommends sleeping with one's head towards the East or South in one's own house, towards the West when traveling, and avoiding sleeping with the head towards the North. Sleeping with the head towards the South is believed to ensure a long life, while sleeping with the head towards the East is believed to bring enlightenment. Conversely, sleeping with the head towards the West is thought to cause unhappiness, and sleeping with the head towards the North is believed to bring death.
Vastu is the scientific approach to constructing human dwellings and is also known as Vastukala in Hindi. Architects in this field are referred to as Vastuvids. Vastu primarily focuses on the proper orientation of direction, which involves 16 different directions. It could be better described as "Ancient architecture" or "Vedic Architecture".

While an architect can design a comfortable and well-equipped house, they cannot guarantee the inhabitants will experience peace, happiness, and contentment. However, Vastu can ensure this emotional balance. This is the crucial difference between Vastu and traditional architecture.

Do not believe that Vastu Consultants will always recommend tearing down or modifying your property.
In fact, most Vastu Consultants are aware of the difficulties and concerns that homeowners face. They
typically work with the movable elements of the building, such as furniture placement, color schemes,
pyramids, water fountains, aquariums, and wind chimes, which can be used to correct any Vastu
defects. These alternative therapies are effective on their own and can resolve Vastu issues.